Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sewing Up a Storm

(Note the very classy catfood can pattern weights!)

We are sewing! I am so excited that my daughter is now interested enough to take on a major sewing project. In the past she has been interested in learning to sew, but her enthusiasm faltered if it took too long or was complicated.

She is making her Halloween costume - Simplicity 3626 - a genie. We convinced a friend to drive us to JoAnn's on Sunday so that we could pick out a pattern and fabric. I had no idea there were so many costume patterns available! Maybe I should be sewing more costumes.

DD was so eager to start that she spent the rest of Sunday and most of Monday (no school) working on it. She patiently traced the pattern, decided on layout of pieces, and cut them out. Those long hours of concentrating were hard for me, but I didn't want to interrupt the positive progress. 

The only downside: horrible slippery uncooperative costume fabrics! Ick! Ok, I guess I'm not going to be sewing many costumes. At least not shiny ones.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I like your pattern weights, guess I know what to give you for your birthday!
